Thursday, March 28, 2013

DAY 117 - Full of The Power of The Spirit after That 40 days

Count Down 3...
days for the new Break.Build blog and podcast
A 40 day spiritual journey being with Jesus!
     - Break all those things blocking you from Jesus
     - Build up a brand new lifestyle of Christlikeness

     - Be a mentor leading two people using Break.Build
           daily for 40 days
     - Meeting them once weekly using Break.Build and
           Evangelist123 card for 40 days

Be Ready. Three more days!

Golden Verse 金句

 Jesus returned to Galilee in the power of the Spirit, and news about him spread through the whole countryside.
                                       Luke 4: 14

耶 穌 滿 有 聖 靈 的 能 力 , 回 到 加 利 利 ; 他 的 名 聲 就 傳 遍 了 四 方 。
                                        路加福音 4:14


Today's Reading: Luke 4:14-44

Please read Luke 4:14-44 and listen to what the Lord Jesus Christ would like to tell you before reading my Spiritual Journal below. If you would like to learn a simple and good way of Daily Devotion method please read my “Count Down 5” from my Devotion on Fire blog:

You may click this link directly for the method: Subject Shifting Devotion.pdf
You may begin with a song to praise the Lord and complete you devotion by singing another praise song.

Please click this link to worship with us -
I Will Run to You

Chinese praise song -
祢讓我生命改變 You Transform My Life

Please click the links to Luke 4:14-44

     What I got from Jesus is: Full of the power of the Spirit after that 40 days

     What I got from Jesus is the secret of his power. Before His 40 days in the desert, He did not perform even one miracle. After that 40 days, He performed numerous miracles. Why? 

     Yes, the Holy Spirit descended to Him after His baptism(3:22). But, the power of the Holy Spirit needs that 40 days in the desert to be tested. Jesus shows us a 40 days of break and build strategy. He broke every single scheme Satan can think of and He built up the best example of Christlikeness.

     In three days time, I am called by the Lord to start a 40 days of Break.Build with those who are willing to follow. The best way is not just for you to follow my blog and podcast but for you to find two people helping them to have daily devotion for 40 days. Then, I am confident that after that 40 days, blog and podcast can help you and your two friends to have a better possibility to build up a lifestyle of Christlikeness.

     Are you ready? Are you willing? 

Dear Lord Jesus,
Lead us to be willing to pray and find that two persons already prepared by you to be with them for 40 days starting this Easter Sunday. Help us to know that this is a call from you to be a mentor to help them to break all kinds of possible addictions and to build up a lifestyle of Christlikeness.  In Jesus name we pray. Amen.

Please click this link to worship with us :
English praise song-

Chinese praise song -
每天的禱告 My Daily Prayer

Please click these two links to my other blogs/podcasts:

Pray for our AMiA bishops: 

The Rt. Rev. TJ Johnston, Jr. (Rees)
The Rt. Rev. Philip Hill Jones (Claudia)

Pray for one ACiC/AI church one day at a time: 
Pray for one ACiC/AI church one day at a time

Richmond Emmanuel Church
Rector/Senior Pastor:  Rt. Rev. Dr. Silas Ng (Michelle)
Teaching Pastor: Pastor Eliza Poon (Harry)
English & Youth Pastor: Pastor Joshua Siu (Rachel)
Children Ministry: Mr. Jim Kelly (Margaret)
Music Ministry: Miss Emily Yeung

Prayer items today:


Bishop: Rt. Rev. Dr. Silas Ng (Michelle)
Network Leader: Rev. Peter Klenner (Jenny)

Network Leadership Team: Rt. Rev. Dr. Silas Ng(Michelle), Rev. Peter Klenner(Jenny),
Rev. Ed Hird (Janice), Rev. John Cox (Sheryl)
Administrator: Rev. Dave DeJong(Megan)
Bishop's Chaplain: Rev. Ed Hird (Janice) 
Bishop's Assistant: Mrs. Michelle Ng (Silas) 
Treasurer: Mr. Andy Li(Amy)

Web site for Anglican Mission in the Americas, Canada(ACiC/AI):

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